All functions |
Conversion to data frame |
Convert to named list |
Formatted output |
Bind lapply results |
Collapse string |
Add category for column. |
Add columns with constant values |
Split variable (column) into multiple. |
Convert data frame rows to list |
Split string/factor column |
k-fold dirname |
Drop file extension(s) |
Stack-like pop operation for path names |
Export ggplot object to file |
Replace elements in a named vector or list |
Test for permutation |
Subset check |
Create a named list |
Get number of unique elements |
Modified version of |
Random shuffle of a vector |
Split strings into parts of certain types |
Parse strings |
Make string shortcuts |
Set operation symmetric difference |
Where is is min or max value in a nmeric vector? |
Aggregate vectors/lists into lists of lists |