Split/explode a data frame character column into multiple columns. This is done by splitting the string by one or multiple delimiters. The split results are wrapped in a data.frame and “cbinded” to x. Optionally, one can pass column names and/or types for the parts. E.g. types="cir" converts the first part into character, the second into integer and the third into real/double.

df_explode(x, split.col, split, names = NULL, types = NULL, keep = FALSE)



Data frame.


Character name of column used for splitting.


See parameter split of strsplit.


Optional column names. If NULL, the column names are V1 to VN where N is the number of split parts.


Character string where the i-th character specifies the atomic data type of the i-th split part. Possible characters are “'c'” (character), “'f'” (factor), dQuote'i' (integer), “'l'” (logical) or “n”, “d” or “r” for numeric/double/real. Default is NULL. In this case all split parts are characters.


Single logical value indicating whether column split.col should be kept or dropped. Default is FALSE.


Modified data frame.

See also


x = data.frame(a = c("x-y-1", "a-b-2", "c-d-3"), b = 1:3, c = runif(3)) df_explode(x, split.col = "a", split = "-")
#> explode1 explode2 explode3 b c #> 1 x y 1 1 0.08075014 #> 2 a b 2 2 0.83433304 #> 3 c d 3 3 0.60076089
df_explode(x, split.col = "a", split = "-", keep = TRUE)
#> explode1 explode2 explode3 a b c #> 1 x y 1 x-y-1 1 0.08075014 #> 2 a b 2 a-b-2 2 0.83433304 #> 3 c d 3 c-d-3 3 0.60076089
df_explode(x, split.col = "a", split = "-", names = c("A", "B", "C"))
#> A B C b c #> 1 x y 1 1 0.08075014 #> 2 a b 2 2 0.83433304 #> 3 c d 3 3 0.60076089
df_explode(x, split.col = "a", split = "-", types = "cci")
#> explode1 explode2 explode3 b c #> 1 x y 1 1 0.08075014 #> 2 a b 2 2 0.83433304 #> 3 c d 3 3 0.60076089