This mutation operator is designed to introduce a partial grid structure into to point of a given Euclidean problem instance. This is achieved by generating a random box of width and height \(w, h \in [box.min, box.max]\) and placing it at random within the boundaries \([0, 1]^2\). All points \(Q \subseteq P\) inside the box are affected by the mutation. Point set \(Q\) is replaced by a quadratic grid of points \(Q'\) with \(g = \lfloor \sqrt{|Q|} \rfloor\) rows and columns respectively. Note that if \(g^2 < |Q|\) we ignore \(|Q| - g\) random points of \(Q\), i.e., these points are not touched. Subsequent, optional steps involve rotation and noise addition: with probability \(p.rot\) \(Q'\) is rotated by a random angle \(alpha \in [0, \pi/2]\) and with probability p.jitter all points in \(Q\) are perturbed by additive Gaussian noise with mean \((0,0)\) and standard deviation in each dimension.

doGridMutation(coords, box.min = 0.1, box.max = 0.3, p.rot = 0,
  p.jitter = 0, = 0, ...)



An n times 2 matrix of point coordinates in \([0, 1]^2\).


Minimum for sampled box width and height respectively. Default is 0.1.


Maximum for sampled box width and height respectively. Default is 0.3.


Probability of rotation, i.e, that mutated points are subject to rotation. Default is 0, i.e., no rotation.


Probability to add Gaussian noise to mutated points. Default is 0, i.e., no Gaussian noise at all.

Standard deviation for Gaussian noise. Defaults to 0.1. Note that this parameter has an effect only if p.jitter is greater zero.


Currently not used.


[matrix] Mutated coordinates.

See also