Generator for single-objective target functions.

  name = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  has.simple.signature = TRUE,
  vectorized = FALSE,
  noisy = FALSE,
  fn.mean = NULL,
  minimize = TRUE,
  constraint.fn = NULL,
  tags = character(0),
  global.opt.params = NULL,
  global.opt.value = NULL,
  local.opt.params = NULL,
  local.opt.values = NULL



Function name. Used for the title of plots for example.


[character(1) | NULL]
Optional short function identifier. If provided, this should be a short name without whitespaces and now special characters beside the underscore. Default is NULL, which means no ID at all.


[character(1) | NULL]
Optional function description.


Objective function.


Set this to TRUE if the objective function expects a vector as input and FALSE if it expects a named list of values. The latter is needed if the function depends on mixed parameters. Default is TRUE.


Can the objective function handle “vector” input, i.~e., does it accept matrix of parameters? Default is FALSE.


Parameter set describing different aspects of the objective function parameters, i.~e., names, lower and/or upper bounds, types and so on. See makeParamSet for further information.


Is the function noisy? Defaults to FALSE.


Optional true mean function in case of a noisy objective function. This functions should have the same mean as fn.


Set this to TRUE if the function should be minimized and to FALSE otherwise. The default is TRUE.


[function | NULL]
Function which returns a logical vector indicating whether certain conditions are met or not. Default is NULL, which means, that there are no constraints beside possible box constraints defined via the par.set argument.


Optional character vector of tags or keywords which characterize the function, e.~g. “unimodal”, “separable”. See getAvailableTags for a character vector of allowed tags.


[list | numeric | data.frame | matrix | NULL]
Default is NULL which means unknown. Passing a numeric vector will be the most frequent case (numeric only functions). In this case there is only a single global optimum. If there are multiple global optima, passing a numeric matrix is the best choice. Passing a list or a data.frame is necessary if your function is mixed, e.g., it expects both numeric and discrete parameters. Internally, however, each representation is casted to a data.frame for reasons of consistency.


[numeric(1) | NULL]
Global optimum value if known. Default is NULL, which means unknown. If only the global.opt.params are passed, the value is computed automatically.


[list | numeric | data.frame | matrix | NULL]
Default is NULL, which means the function has no local optima or they are unknown. For details see the description of global.opt.params.


[numeric | NULL]
Value(s) of local optima. Default is NULL, which means unknown. If only the local.opt.params are passed, the values are computed automatically.


[function] Objective function with additional stuff attached as attributes.



fn = makeSingleObjectiveFunction(
  name = "Sphere Function",
  fn = function(x) sum(x^2),
  par.set = makeNumericParamSet("x", len = 1L, lower = -5L, upper = 5L),
  global.opt.params = list(x = 0)
#> Single-objective function
#> Name: Sphere Function
#> Description: no description
#> Tags: 
#> Noisy: FALSE
#> Minimize: TRUE
#> Constraints: TRUE
#> Number of parameters: 1
#>            Type len Def  Constr Req Tunable Trafo
#> x numericvector   1   - -5 to 5   -    TRUE     -
#> Global optimum objective value of 0.0000 at
#>   x
#> 1 0

fn.num2 = makeSingleObjectiveFunction(
  name = "Numeric 2D",
  fn = function(x) sum(x^2),
  par.set = makeParamSet(
    makeNumericParam("x1", lower = -5, upper = 5),
    makeNumericParam("x2", lower = -10, upper = 20)
#> Single-objective function
#> Name: Numeric 2D
#> Description: no description
#> Tags: 
#> Noisy: FALSE
#> Minimize: TRUE
#> Constraints: TRUE
#> Number of parameters: 2
#>       Type len Def    Constr Req Tunable Trafo
#> x1 numeric   -   -   -5 to 5   -    TRUE     -
#> x2 numeric   -   - -10 to 20   -    TRUE     -

fn.mixed = makeSingleObjectiveFunction(
  name = "Mixed 2D",
  fn = function(x) x$num1^2 + as.integer(as.character(x$disc1) == "a"),
  has.simple.signature = FALSE,
  par.set = makeParamSet(
    makeNumericParam("num1", lower = -5, upper = 5),
    makeDiscreteParam("disc1", values = c("a", "b"))
  global.opt.params = list(num1 = 0, disc1 = "b")
#> Single-objective function
#> Name: Mixed 2D
#> Description: no description
#> Tags: 
#> Noisy: FALSE
#> Minimize: TRUE
#> Constraints: TRUE
#> Number of parameters: 2
#>           Type len Def  Constr Req Tunable Trafo
#> num1   numeric   -   - -5 to 5   -    TRUE     -
#> disc1 discrete   -   -     a,b   -    TRUE     -
#> Global optimum objective value of 0.0000 at
#>   num1 disc1
#> 1    0     b