Generates a fairly flexible container to log stuff.

log_init(what, init.size, at = NULL, to = NULL)



Named character vector. The names (i.e., names(what)) describe which elements we want to log and the actual values represent the types/modes these values are stored as. Possible values are “integer”, “numeric”, “character”, “logical” for the respective scalar atomic values, or “list” for any other complex R objects, e.g., matrices, lists etc. Note that internally c("iter" = "numeric") is attached automatically and iter must be passed to log_update in subsequent calls.


Initial size of the log.


Optional integer vector of times when logging should take place. If the iteration counter is in at, the state is logged, otherwise it is not.


File path to log-directory. If not NULL, each call to log_update stores the serialized state in file “<to>/<iteration>.rds”.


Logger environment.

See also



log = log_init(c("P" = "list", "f" = "list", "C" = "character"), init.size = 5L, at = c(1, 3)) # Note that div is not subject to logging since it was not specified in log_init log_update(log, P = matrix(runif(10), ncol = 2L), C = "a", f = runif(10), iter = 1, div = letters[1:3]) log_update(log, P = matrix(runif(10), ncol = 2L), C = "b", f = runif(10), iter = 2, div = letters[1:3]) log_update(log, P = matrix(runif(10), ncol = 2L), C = "a", f = runif(10), iter = 3, div = letters[1:3]) print(log$df)
#> iter P f C #> 1 1 0.600760.... 0.034241.... a #> 2 3 0.641679.... 0.174675.... a #> 3 0 #> 4 0 #> 5 0