The chance of an individual to get selected is proportional to its fitness, i.e., better individuals get a higher chance to take part in the reproduction process. Low-fitness individuals however, have a positive fitness as well.
selRoulette(fitness,, offset = 0.1)
fitness | [ |
---|---| | [ |
offset | [ |
Fitness proportional selection can be naturally applied to single objective
maximization problems. However, negative fitness values can are problematic.
The Roulette-Wheel selector thus works with the following heuristic: if
negative values occur, the negative of the smallest fitness value is added
to each fitness value. In this case to avoid the smallest shifted fitness
value to be zero and thus have a zero probability of being selected an additional
positive constant offset
is added (see parameters).
Other selectors: selDomHV
, selNondom
, selTournament