Inexact TSP solvers based on a genetic approach.

# S3 method for eax
run(solver, instance, max.trials = 1L, pop.size = 100L,
  off.size = 30L, cutoff.time = 10, opt.tour.length = NULL,
  seed = as.integer(ceiling(runif(1L) * 2^15)), with.restarts = FALSE,
  with.GPX = FALSE, snapshot.step = 0L, full.matrix = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE, log.trajectory = TRUE, work.dir = NULL,
  output.files.prefix = NULL, keep.output.files = FALSE,
  init.pop = NULL, ...)



TSPSolver object.


[character(1) | Network]
Path to TSP instance in TSPlib format or Network object.


Number of independent runs. At the moment this is fixed to 1.


Population size. Default is 100.


Number of offspring generated in each generation. Default is 30.


Maximal running time in seconds. Default is 10.


[integer(1) | NULL]
Length of an optimal TSP tour. This is only relevant for benchmarking. Keep in mind, that in case of a given optimal tour length most internal stopping criteria of EAX are deacitvated. The algorithm stops if an optimal tour is found or the cutoff time is reached.


Seed for the random numbers generator. Defaults to a random integer between 1 and \(2^15\).


Should EAX restart if a plateau is reached? Default is FALSE.


Activate GPX2 crossover? Default is FALSE.


Possibility to log the entire population each snapshot.step times. Default is 0, i.e., do not log at all.


Only relevant if instance is a Network. If TRUE, the network is exported to TSPlib format with explicit edge weight definition. Default is FALSE.


Should the output of the solver be printed? Default is FALSE.


Should the optimization progress be logged? Default is FALSE.


Path to working directory of the solver. Defaults to temporary directory via tempfile().


Prefix for file names used by solver for storing output. Default is a randomly generated temporary prefix.


Flag indicating whether output files shall be kept or deleted. Default is FALSE, i.e., output files are processed and output is loaded into R object. Afterwards the output files are deleted. This flag is particularly useful in large benchmark studies if work.dir and output.files.prefix is set.


List of lists. Each sublist needs to contains three components:

n [integer(1)]

Number of nodes of the TSP problem.

tour [integer(n)]

The actual tour.

tour.length [integer(1)]

Length of the tour.

Default is NULL, i.e., the initial population is generated randomly and 2-Opt is applied to each solution before the evolutionary loop starts.


Not used at the moment.




This solver requires integer inter-city distances.


Nagata, Y. and Kobayashi, S. (2013). A powerful genetic algorithm using edge assembly crossover for the travelling salesman problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 25(2):346-363.

Nagata, Y. and Kobayashi, S. (1997). Edge assembly crossover: A high-power genetic algorithm for the travelling salesman problem. In Baeck, T., editor, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA97), pages 450-457, San Francisco, CA. Morgan Kaufmann.